SCOM DW Report Deployment Errors with SharePoint 2013 MP

Today i am going to talk about one of annoying errors that has been flooding my SCOM lately.


Data Warehouse failed to deploy reports for a management pack to SQL Reporting Services Server. Failed to deploy reporting component to the SQL Server Reporting Services server. The operation will be retried.
Exception ‘DeploymentException’: Failed to deploy reports for management pack with version dependent id ‘edf9e0b9-65aa-df29-6729-d16f0005e820’. Failed to deploy linked report ‘Microsoft.SharePoint.Server_Performance_Report’. Failed to convert management pack element reference ‘$MPElement[Name=”Microsoft.SharePoint.Foundation.2013.Responsetime”]$’ to guid. Check if MP element referenced exists in the MP. An object of class ManagementPackElement with ID 75668869-f88c-31f3-d081-409da1f06f0f was not found.
One or more workflows were affected by this.
Workflow name: Microsoft.SystemCenter.DataWarehouse.Deployment.Report

In short the error was telling me that my SCOM is unable to deploy SharePoint server performance related reports to SCOM reporting services, which means that SharePoint Reports will be unavailable, however that was not the case for me. As I was able to see all SP 2013 reports listed in my reporting pane.

So I thinking it to be a false positive and have been breaking my head on this for almost 3 days to resolve the alert.

  • I deleted the SharePoint 2013 MP and added it again
  • Reconfigured it again
  • Recheck all run as accounts

But still nothing seemed to fix this thing.

Then after a lot searching I came across Kevin Holman blogs which states that it is known issues with SharePoint 2013 MP 15.0.4425.1000

Follow the above link for more information on this.


Author: tadgata

ITSM & System Center Consultant. Have experience on BMC Remedy, CA SDM, Service Now, and Microsoft system center tools including SCSM, SCOM, SCCM, SCORC, SCVMM.

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