Troubleshooting SCOM 2016 MS Grayed out State

While working at a customer site, I came across a situation suddenly where on of the MS was in grayed out state.

Initially I followed the main troubleshooting steps in these situation that we all do:

  • Flush Health service state cache from SCOM console, for MS you can do it from Operations Manager folder -> Management group Health

Click on MS and in RHS under task select ‘Flush Health service state’ It was fine for 2 mins or so and then again back to grayed out state.

So time for next move

  • Deleted the ‘Health service state’ under operations manfer-> Server folder on the MS

Still same thing server is backed to grayed out state.

I am now going through each and every error in event viewer and that’s when I came across below error related to healthservice

SCOM_Config_Override_2 copy

Now it makes sense, so the main culprit here is this workflow.

Actually, this workflow is lined with OMS, but client is neither using OMS nor have they configured it ever.

So, it quite odd to have this pop here.

In the OMS configuration console, nothing is configured. So very odd.

Obviously, you can’t remove the OMS or System Center Advisor or Intelligence MP from SCOM as to do that you have to remove other dependant MPs which is not possible, so what do we do?

Now comes the resolution,

  • GO to Authoring Pane-> Rules type intel
  • You will find the below 3 rules show up in search results.
  • Click on first 2 rules and select enable hit override value as False make sure to select enforce check box too


  • Repeat it other for the 2nd rule


  • Save these overrides in a separate MP and not under Default MP
  • Once done, now again flush healthservice state cache and check

Voila! MS is now healthy, when I check event viewer logs, even the error are now gone.

Note: Do this only when you DO not want to connect your on-premise SCOM to OMS

Hasitha Willarachchi

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